My Projects

My Calculator
My Calculator

This is a simple Calculator based on JavaScript and HTML-CSS

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My Phonebook
My Phonebook

This is a simple Phonebook/Contactbook based on JavaScript and HTML-CSS. This app save your all contact in your phone's localstorage.

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CSS Animation
CSS Animation

This is a simple CSS Animation based on only HTML5 and CSS3.

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CSS Animation
Color Picker

Simple a Color Picker (HSV).Choose your favourite colour

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CSS Animation
Password Generator

Create a strong password for your website. Make sure your secure your accounts.

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CSS Animation
Anime Art

Create a strong password for your website. Make sure your secure your accounts.

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CSS Animation
Happy Diwali 🪔

Happy Diwali is a text animation in pure HTML5 and modern CSS.

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CSS Animation
Day ☀️️ /Night 🌙 Mode

Pure HTML CSS JavaScript project.

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